78. What People Really Want
People don’t want much. That’s the final truth. It may seem as if people want a lot of material things, personal gain, money, power etc. But if something happens in their lives that causes them to face the facts, it turns out that people have only a few wishes: good health, no worries and harmony. People don’t want much. Because all they need is: a roof over our heads, enough food, someone who loves us, good health and few worries.
“Yes, everything can make a person happy.
The sun shining through,
A fresh cup of tea!”
What are the 2 biggest fears people have?
At the top of the list of people’s fears worldwide is the fear of not having enough money. Number 2 is the fear of speaking in public. Why? Not having enough money also means not having enough food and clothing, perhaps a decline in health and a lot of worries. If this cash flow problem persists, it may even cost you having a roof over your head and your health.
The greatest source of the fear of speaking in public is the fear of losing people; fear that you will be shut out if you open your mouth. Considering that people want someone who loves them, it’s frightening to stand up in front of a group and say what you have to say. What might they think of you? Are they going to turn against you en masse, or will you be welcomed with open arms?
Fear of not having enough money and a shortage of love
When you are short of money, you downgrade into a search to fulfill primary needs. If you are alone, you don’t want anything more than someone who will love you, put an arm around you. People who are obsessed with earning money feel cheated when, because of all the work they do, they didn’t take the time to find a “partner for life” or when their health suddenly deteriorates.
When do your true desires become clear?
When you are suddenly alone or when your health deteriorates, all the nonsense falls away. It then suddenly becomes clear what the truth is and what you most deeply desire. Your own home and someone always near who loves you. The great art of living is to appreciate it and to celebrate that you can be so completely happy with all that you have!
Is there really a shortage?
That is one of the things that I worry about. If we put all of the money in the world together and shared it fairly with everyone, there would be more than enough to go around, more than you need to live a fine life! And that is the special thing; there is more than enough we can do about poverty, for people who are alone, for people who have problems or need care.
What can we do?
Many changes are about to take place. People have realized for a long time that some things aren’t good anymore and that it’s really time for a change. All of the necessary changes are already in progress. Look, for example, at innovative businessmen with fantastic ideas and who ask for monetary support via Crowdfunding. It’s possible, for example, with www.indiegogo.com/
People with ideas to improve the world or improve sustainability can ask for money to implement them. I’m always really happy about this! Thanks to their initiatives, there is a great change for the good. I am thankful and wholeheartedly support these type of projects. For these entrepreneurs, your contribution is like wind under their wings! If you can’t miss the money, you can support them by spreading information about their projects to others. That’s enormously valuable as well!
How about you? Are you happy with how your life is going at the moment? Do you feel content or is that difficult for you at this time? I’d love to hear about it and want to support you! Write your message below. Thank you!
Personal questions should always be asked of a MIR-Method coach!
May we all reform this world the way we like it!
Mireille Mettes
P.S. Help me spread the MIR-Method around the world! Use the icons to the left for Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in. Thank you for forwarding the article!
P.S. You don’t know the MIR-Method yet? It’s a free healing method. Go to the home page: www.mirmethod.com Look at the video to understand why it’s free. And look at the complete instruction video. Subscribe to the newsletter and the 6 weeks guidance emails for extra support and understanding of the method!
Where can I find the list of ailments again???
Dear Deb,
I am sorry, what list do you mean? It may be in the frequently asked questions.
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
See ARTICLE SUBJECTS at the end of the blog
Is there a fee to talk to/work with an MIR-Method Coach? How does one become an MIR-Method Coach?
Dear Deb,
Yes, the MIR-Method coaches all charge a fee for a consultation. However, you can always send them an email first to find out if they are willing to answer the questions you have. There may be a training on the internet to become a MIR-Method Coach in the autumn of this year, through webinars. It will not lead to a place on this website, though, because that’s only reserved for the coaches that I personally meet.
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
Ik wil genezen zijn van pijnen in het lichaam, vrees om elje keer confrontatie met cancer vanwege constante hoge zuurtegraad & inflamations.
Ik wil ook gelukkiger zijn, een helper/partner in het leven vinden en een baan die mij het beste schikt. Ook verloatt zijn van naweeen van hernia operatie dit jaar. Ik ben maar 55 jaar en dien nog 10 jaar arbeidsgeschikt te zijn. Hoe kan ik dan gezond worden om weer te kunnen werken en van het leven genieten?
Ik bij mijn 85 jaar oud vader in huis en ben nagenoeg alleen op deze wereld. Gràag hulp en coaching om hieruit te komen, om weer een gelukkig mens te zijn, waardevol voor de màatschappij. Dank u.
Beste Jarmila,
Het beste kun je beginnen met zelf de 9 stappen te doen, vier weken lang. Je bent in een moeilijke situatie en ik hoop dat je mensen bij je hebt die jou helpen met je situatie? Je kunt anders contact opnemen met een van de coaches op de Nederlandse website. Die spreken Nederlands.
Ik wens u enorm veel sterkte!
Mireille Mettes