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187. Adding Your Own Step to the MIR-Method — 12 Comments

  1. Dear Mireille,
    Since March 2020 with C…d, I started adding words. At first only around that concern to focus on immunity, protection… and then expanded it according to what was going on in my life. Such as easy and quick “problem” resolution. Thank you so very much for this magic tool. The MIR-Method is really my favorite of all, so easy and works so well.

  2. Dear Mirelle, I’m struggling to attract a partnership for years and I’d like to change that. Would MIR method work for that? Can I add something like “attract beautiful love”? Thank you.

    • Dear Lucinda,

      Yes, it can certainly do that! What will happen, is that you will change inside to be the best version of yourself. Once you are radiating self love and confidence, you will attract someone that suits you. And yes, you can accelerate this process by adding a wonderful phrase like you suggest: ‘attract beautiful love’. Great idea!

      Wishing you all the love you long for in your life!
      Greetings, Mireille

  3. Glad to see this, now I will freely add as my step 0: Regulate nervous system. That is my main concern. I’ll report back with my results! Thank you.

  4. Mrs Mireille hello! So many thanks from the bottom of my heart for this simple method you gave us! What a contribution! I am 2 days before ,till the 4weeks of method be completed. I know for sure I am gonna use it every day ! My husband uses as well and some friends too here in Greece.I bought your book and it’s my everyday tool! I ts working amazingly to all of us! I am willing to do the deep understanding webinar as well to buy the extra techniques at the same time next month on April. Now I have a question for you… in step 0. can I add… optimize my cash flow? I want to attend to a seminar on March 13. Who and what can contribute to have the he amount is needed so I can attend to the class. What is your advise for that? How does it get any better than this??? Thank you so very much for everything! You changed my life!!!!

    • Dear Elena,
      I am overjoyed that you people in Greece can feel the effect of the MIR-Method! If you refer to the live webinars, those are free of charge. It is my way to contribute to the intense changes in the world, hoping it will benefit you and your loved ones.
      Greetings! Mireille

  5. Hello Mireille,
    First, thank you for this gift you generously have given the world. I have not started yet but would like to know how to phrase getting rid of my anxiety disorder which often brings on vertigo that lasts for days. It’s debilitating!
    Also, I was raised in French but grew up in English. Can I use this method in either language or should I stick with French?
    Lastly, where can I find your response once I leave this site?

    Thank you and God bless,

    • Dear Sylvia,
      You can do the MIR-Method in the language you are most familiar with. The one that feels most ‘at home’.
      You can use the 9 steps for your anxiety disorder. Please realize you need to give it time. If it takes too long for you, please ask a MIR-Method coach for help!
      Greetings, Mireille
      P.S. To find back the response, go back to the page where you posted the question.

  6. Dear Mireille,
    Please advise a bit about getting rid of parasites, intestinal worms and such. I could perhaps include the thought in 2, detox all toxicity. But that doesn’t quite fit.
    I could add to 3, detach parasites.
    What do you think of this?
    With many thanks,

    • Dear Tony,
      Yes, you were right at your first guess. Getting rid of parasites is done through step 2. However, step 2 can ONLY function if your acidity is okay and if your body is willing to let go of unwanted guests. That’s why you need to do all 9 steps. Let me know how your body is doing!
      Good luck!
      Greetings, Mireille Mettes

  7. Mirelle, can the MIR Method help with in growing Toe nails? What do i say for this in step 0. Thanks n looking forward to hearing from u. Sheila

    • Dear Sheila,
      You could say ‘optimize nails’. Keep the words open so you let your subconscious do the work. And if the toenails are ingrown, you may need to go to somebody to take care of the nails before you get any wounds. But the changes in growing need to come from the inside of your body.
      Good luck!
      Mireille Mettes

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