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New Year’s Webinar: ‘How can we see that World Peace is here?’ — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for this Mirielle. I felt lots of yawning and burping during the activation of the 3rd eye and solar plexus as well as the MIR Method.
    I have been doing the MIR Method on and off for several months now. I did it for 2 months consistently, then took a break and have started up again. I really do find it incredibly powerful and have been sharing it with others. I have noticed more peace within myself and others lately. Thank you.

    Thank you for all you gift to the world.

  2. Thank you so much dear Mireille! You are such a wonderful person and you’re Aura is shining and glowing so that everytime I look the webinars i’m already lifted up just by your presence!
    This was again such an interesting and wonderful topic! What i felt during the last weeks was also a deep love and peace within me and in my environment, and also like a built of togetherness. It was like a curtain which was pulled on side.
    So i’m very very excited what will come in this new year!

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