96. Vitamin D and the Strength of the Sun
Sun rays and rising temperatures, how we do love them! In countries where there is not so much sunlight, people become excited when spring comes. People become more cheerful, more exuberant and wear bright colors. People become more active, go outside more and enjoy the warmth of the sun. You chat longer with your neighbor because it is so wonderful to be out in the sun. People look happier and their mood is more cheerful. Come on, sun’s rays! We’re waiting to catch you!
The sun as a source of nutrition
Sunrays are pure nutrition for us. When we receive the rays of the sun on our skin, our skin makes vitamin D. If you don’t get outside much, you can have a vitamin D deficiency. This is true of people, for example, who are inside all day, such as the elderly or (too) hard-working office workers.
Much is known about vitamin D. If you have a deficiency of it, it can lead to all kinds of health problems, including depression. That is because vitamin D is necessary to absorb calcium from your food. If you have a vitamin D deficiency, you body will have a deficiency in calcium, which can cause you to become depressed. You also make your parathyroid glands work harder than necessary. If you have a serious vitamin D deficiency, you can even develop diseases that cause bone deformities. Or, bone decalcification, or osteoporosis.
Vitamin D DIY test
You can monitor your own nutrition. Do you eat a lot of cheese and milk products? Then your body is craving calcium and it’s possible that you have a vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D and the MIR-Method
The MIR-Method also has an answer for vitamin D deficiency. (Note: if you have a serious deficiency it will take years to supplement it using the MIR-Method! In that case, just have your blood tested. Your primary care physician can take of this for you!)
If you do the MIR-Method you indicate with step 5: ‘Supplement all shortages’, that you want to supplement the nutrients that your body needs, and therefore, vitamin D as well. The special thing about this is that if your body doesn’t feel good, you won’t absorb these nutrients! I wrote about this in article 27, “Production Resumes”. Your cells open themselves up and allow nutrients in again! With the other MIR-Method steps you are giving your cells the message, “I want to be healthy and will get rid of everything standing in the way of health.” Whether that is by detaching yourself from your parents (step 3), clearing your meridians (step 4), fulfilling basic needs (step 7) or optimizing chakras and aura (step 8), nutrients will become increasingly better absorbed by your cells.
Step 9 sends you outside!
The best phenomenon is when people start living their missions again (step 9). If people do the MIR-Method, they feel more like going outside…. And into the sunlight! With a dose of sunlight, your body is happy and your cells do a happy jig 🙂 We have to give our bodies the nutrients they need, such as fatty fish once in a while, animal foods if you can and most importantly, often in the sun! Not long, but often. A half an hour a day is enough. Then you don’t need to use sunscreen. You only use it when you are outside all day, although I prefer to wear long sleeves and use a hat.
And what about you? Have you noticed that you get outside more often and soak up the sunlight? I’d love to hear about it and also whether you feel less depressed. Please let me know about it below. Thank you!
Personal questions should always be asked of a MIR-Method coach!
Wishing you much sunshine in your life!
Greetings, Mireille
P.S. You would do me a big favor by posting this article to your Facebook page or forwarding it via e-mail, Twitter or Linked-In! Use the icons on the left-hand side! Thank you!
P.S. Are you not yet familiar with the MIR-Method? Please go to the homepage: www.mirmethod.com You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Register on the homepage to receive the newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
Hi Mireille,
I was introduced to the MIR method a couple of weeks ago from my laughing yoga class teacher and somehow this clicked for me right away. I felt more love for myself just by stroking. Now that I am in the fourth week, I have noticed so many changes its amazing… first with the yawning, later with coughing, some crying for old hidden issues. Two days ago I even put in the Smoking Addiction command in front of the nine steps and guess what I go out to nature when I walk my dog twice a day and I sing the steps… hahaha.. this is soo much fun.. One thing also I noticed is tha my skin looks terrific. it was dry and soo tired before… I look so much better!!! I sleep like a baby and I am making decisions where noone could have moved me from my situation before (soon to move to another country with a new job and all). Well let me say how much I appreciate you and what you have created for us. Its a gem!!!
With my love and respect!!!
Dear Barbara,
How wonderful that you notice so many great changes in your body and life! I am happy for you! And thank your yoga teacher for me! Hope you can tell many people around you to give it a try as well! Good luck in your new job and new country!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
Dear Mireille, I want to thank very much for your method and guidance. It is really changing my life slowly but surely. I did it for 4 months in a row during the summer of 2015 and now on and of. It released a lot of old baggage but a lot has to be done so I’m thinking doing it again for 2 times a day in 2016. Thanks again and I will promote this Method. I also want World Peace 🙂 kind regards, Arjan
Dear Arjan,
Thank you for your kind words and I am very happy the MIR-Method feels good for you!
Mireille Mettes
Great info on vitamin D. I did a ton of research on this and what I found was really disheartening…. If you live in a cold climate you cannot absorb vitamin D in the winter because the rays of the sun are at such a slanted angle that it is impossible to absorb the sunshine and vitamin D. In fact the suns rays are more harmful and just cause sun damage. The only way to get it is through diet and supplement in winter months. Google it and you can decipher exactly what day of the year the sun is at the proper angle depending on where you live 🙁
Dear Sheila,
Thank you for your kind words about the article. Am glad you liked it.
Hope you will find some nice sunshine!
Mireille Mettes
Hi mirielle, you say about getting out in the sunshine and soaking up the Ray 🙂 I know it’s lovely . But why do I have brown discoloured marks on my face caused by the sun ( I do take meds for HBP though) but I do love your information M.
Dear Rosalie,
Could the discoloured marks come from being overly sensitive because of the medication? I don’t know, am just asking. Very often meds don’t go well with sunshine. Have you asked your doctor about this? But not to worry, ususally the MIR-Method helps with side effects of medication.
Good luck!
Mireille Mettes
dearest Mireille,
I wish you a very,very good new year!
Ines de Jongh-Vargas from Argentina.
Dear Ines,
I was singing ‘Don’t cry for me, Argentina, this weekend. Funny! 😉 Greetings back from the Netherlands!
Mireille Mettes