150. If Your Partner Isn’t Telepathic, yet.
‘Couldn’t you have thought of that yourself?’
‘Why can’t you just feel that?’
These are just a few of the reproaches which indicate that someone is disappointed. Or indignant. Someone has an unspoken expectation that someone else didn’t fulfill. And that someone is often a woman, because women are good at this. They expect their partners to automatically understand what they need. They find it strange to have to ask their partners. And can be very disappointed or indignant when it doesn’t happen. Â
Say what you want
If you want your partner to do something, you can do two things. You can send your message telepathically and hope that your partner telepathically understands. Or you can just sit down with your partner and explain what you’d like.
‘When you do the groceries tomorrow, would you bring some flowers for me? Preferably
white carnations; I think they are so pretty. If they don’t have them, don’t buy any. I’d rather wait until they have white carnations again.’
‘When you come home, would you give a shout upstairs that you’re here? I always like it when you come home and then I can greet you.’
‘Would you hold me for a moment? I need to be comforted. And you comfort me so heavenly when you put your arms around me.’
Sulking and reproaches
Too often we wait for our partners to fulfill our telepathic desires and as women, are very disappointed when it doesn’t happen. And then we sulk or make reproaches. Too bad! Because our partners just love fulfill our desires, just to make us happy! And the clearer your question, the greater the chance that your partner will be successful! So throw your telepathy to the side until both you and your partner master it!
The MIR-Method and telepathy
Telepathy is an ability that has been scientifically demonstrated. Lynne McTaggart writes about it in her book  ‘The Intention Experiment’. Yet, it is still not commonplace for most people. Most people are aware that it exists. For example: you were planning to call your mother just as she calls you. I believe that telepathy is possible for all people. And telepathy plays a large role in positive changes in the world!
As long as it’s not a certainty that you and your partner can communicate telepathically, it’s necessary for you to talk to each other as clearly as possible. With step 8: ‘Optimize chakras and aura’ you strengthen your ability to communicate via chakra 5, your throat chakra. It makes you freer to express yourself and in making your desires known. Express what you want clearly so your partner can make you happy. And if you’re working on being clear, interview your sweetheart (article 23). Find out what he/she likes!
What do you want to ask of your partner and how could you formulate it? I’d love to hear about it! Please write about it below and inspire others. Thank you!
My wish for you is that you may have a precise relationship!
Greetings, Mireille
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P.S. Are you not yet familiar with the MIR-Method? Please go to the homepage: www.mirmethod.com. You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Register on the homepage to receive the newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
For Nina—remember your choices labeled “bad” in hindsight may have been the best choice available at the time,,,,,, so they were “good”. Please do not let fear dominate your life.
Telepathy…. What about intuition. I just went against my intuition over and over again today and it has been damaging.
I feel I should not do something yet because I had self hate I forced myself to do it… Eg phoning or texting or complaining unwise choice discussing with the wrong people.
It is terrifying since doing the nine steps I have made so many bad choices..a d I cannot sleep so am reading your articles again in the middle of the night. I had secrets that I needed get rid of but have made it worse by fearing to reveal then.
Dear Nina,
Take your time. The 9 steps can help you, but will work in the way that suits the level you can handle. Hope the articles will somehow support you.
Greetings, Mireille Mettes