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28. Shyness is like stickers on your mouth! — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you for this wonderful work!!
    Question-can parents stroke hands of young children much
    Like how you describe mir for pets? My child is so incredibly
    Thank you!

    • Dear Gretchen,
      Yes, you can stroke their hands, and they looooove it when you stroke on their back! Ask your child where it wants to be touched. As long as it is skin on skin you’re doing it right!
      And by the way, if you use it for your child, you need to do the MIR-Method too, after you have stroked your child.
      Good luck!
      Mireille Mettes

    • Thank you Eimear!
      One of my wishes is that the MIR-Method can spread to Ireland and support your people! Am very glad to see how glad you are with the MIR-Method!
      Thank you and good luck!
      Mireille Mettes

  2. Dear Mireille,

    First of all thanks for the terrific gift of service you are making available to a world that sadly needs it. MIR really rocks!!!

    I did the 30 days practice and have emerged much more patient and tolerant, and amused by things that used to make me angry.
    I really appreciate your persistent and welcome follow up (not like the bait and switch American approach that is always trying to sell something). I have a strong sense of Qi Gong being incorporated into the MIR method, which causes it to have a very beneficial effect on energy levels and replaces emotional reaction with a greater level of detachment. Above all that it’s so easy and quick to do and doesn’t involve diving into the details of what caused personal baggage to accumulate.

    I particularly like your newsletters and the convincing way in which they analyse the beneficial effects of each step in the MIR process for specific problems and I look forward to receiving more of them.

    As a former blusher who now gives presentations to large groups, I know your latest newsletter will be of great benefit to many people.

    If you ever include Peru on your itinerary, I would be delighted to meet you and arrange for you to give presentations here to teachers, businessmen and spiritual seekers in general.

    May you keep spreading your light everywhere you turn your attention.

    Warm regards,

    • Dear Michael,
      Wow, so wonderful to hear from you all the way from Peru! And thanks for all the acknowledgements about the method. At the moment there is no traveling whatsoever, but I am working on transmitting some webinars in English. I will certainly contact you if my mission leads to Peru. Thanks for being so kind!
      How wonderful that you are speaking and inspiring people! Great how you overcame the blushing.
      I wrote up to 66 articles now in Dutch and we are all translating them into English and posting them every week, so you have quite some articles still to come!
      May your work inspires many people!
      Mireille Mettes

    je vis avec cette timidité depuis mon enfance je vis dans ce cercle vicieux qui m’empêche de pratiquer ma vie normalement qui m’empoisonne en plus non seulement la timidité mais aussi l’anxiété et la dépression qui gâchent mon existence
    ça fait maintenant plus de deux semaines que je pratique cette méthode je trouve ces derniers jours un grand problème dans le sommeil une forte anxiété
    chère Mireille es que je peux faire cette méthode en deux langue matin le français et le soir en arabe?
    merci de me répondre
    grosssssssssss bisous

    • Chère Sonia,
      Oui, si tu as appris deux langues et ils te sentent bien, les deus, tu peux utiliser les deux. Je préfère que tu utilise la langue qui est le plus bien emotionel pour toi. J’espère que tu me comprends! Utiliser les deux, c’est bien. Je te souhaite que la dépression va disparaître très vite!
      Bon courage!
      Mireille Mettes

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