97. Sexuality; How Free are You?
People enjoy making love. They can lose themselves in each other, caressing each other, kissing and get a lot of energy from it. It is a natural source of energy that can make the eyes shine again and improve the skin. Making love is a natural way of expressing life and one which makes people feel strongly connected to one another. It can give relationships a good boost and it is a form of non-verbal communication.
Disturbances in sexuality
Yet, there are a number of strange things going on with sexuality. There is, of course, the one-sided portrayal of sex through porn. Young women think they have to shave their pubic hair because of it and young men expect nothing different. People have all kinds of experiences with their sexuality. They may have had bad experiences, which, by the way, usually occur with family or acquaintances! They can become traumatized because of this without realizing it and take this into a relationship with them.
Masturbation is natural
Pleasuring yourself is taboo for many people, especially for older generations and people from certain churches. That it’s a natural thing that makes people feel good is the most important thing for me. If you feel like making love but your partner doesn’t, or you don’t have a partner, then you can just pleasure yourself; women can practice it with a pillow between their legs. No one would find that strange because it is the most normal thing in the world and it often serves as a good release for tension. Moreover, you know best where and how you like to be touched, which can make an orgasm even better.
Weekly sex is very often
According to all kinds of research, people should be having sex once a week. My view of reality differs. People who work hard, are depressed and people with young children may have sex remarkably less often simply because they are too tired for it. At such a time, physical closeness in the form of a hug or sitting close to each other on the sofa may be the most they can hope for, and very normal. These are the years in which relationships are strongly tested. Can our relationship remain good in spite of a minimum of sex? It’s a matter of talking to and giving attention to each other. Maybe not in bed, but perhaps during a nice walk or just the two of you going somewhere.
The MIR-Method and sexuality
No matter in which area you would like support with your sexuality, the MIR-Method has a number of answers.
Step 2: ‘Detox all toxicity’ helps to get rid of toxic emotions, such as shame and feelings of guilt, but also memories of sexual traumas are erased. Men who are impotent can become potent again when their way of thinking is freed, in combination with physical problems such as a deficiency of nutrients because of a burnout.
If you grew up with parents who saw sex as something “dirty” or “sinful”, you detach yourself from them with step 3: ‘Detach father. Detach mother.’ You will then slowly regain your joy in sex and discover that it’s natural. You will feel free again to masturbate without feeling guilty about it.
Step 4: ‘Clear meridians’ helps you to enjoy again. The circulation meridian is responsible for this. When it is blocked, you can feel apathy, you lose your zest for life, you can’t truly enjoy anything and you are afraid to feel anything. This is often the case with people who don’t feel emotions or who suppress their emotions.
Step 5: ‘Supplement all shortages’ helps with supplementing the correct building blocks that help you to enjoy having sex again. They can be minerals such as manganese or zinc, causing you to be less somber. Or they could be neurotransmitters or hormones such as endorfin or dopamine, which help you to feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Step 7: ‘Fulfill basic needs’ helps with having Self-confidence and the strengthening of your Boundaries. You can more easily say “no” if you find something unpleasant. Intimacy is also a basic need that can become out of balance in humans. By fulfilling this need, you become in touch with feelings of tenderness and soft touch becomes more pleasant. You can receive more easily.
And finally, it is very important to observe if your abdomen is tense. If it is, it can mean that you can’t relax your vagina well or that a man can’t get a good erection. This tension is caused by a disturbance in your 2nd chakra, near your bladder. It usually becomes disturbed by sexual traumas or serious feelings of shame. Chakra 2 becomes optimized in step 8: Optimize chakra and aura’.
How about you? Do you feel freer in your sexuality through the MIR-Method? Or has it helped you with sexual problems? I’d love to hear about it. Please let me know below. Thank you!
Personal questions should always be asked of a MIR-Method coach!
My wish for you is wonderful freedom in your sex life!
Mireille Mettes
P.S. You would do me a big favor by posting this article to your Facebook page or forwarding it via e-mail, Twitter or Linked-In! Use the icons on the left-hand side! Thank you!
P.S. Are you not yet familiar with the MIR-Method? Please go to the homepage: www.mirmethod.com You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Register on the homepage to receive the newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
Mireille is deze tekst ook in het Nederlands, ik kan wel Engels lezen, maar Nederlands is makkelijker. Dank je. Groetjes Lyda
Beste Lyda,
Ja, alle teksten op deze website kun je ook op de Nederlandse website vinden: http://www.mirmethode.nl Het artikel dat je zoekt, staat hier: Seksualiteit, hoe vrij ben jij?
Groetjes! Mireille
wat vaginitis does meant for MIR
er is a solution?
Dear Ines,
If you do the MIR-Method you can start feeling more relaxed in your body which can improve the way you experience sexuality.
Greetings, Mireille
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy there is. It is life force…the energy of manifestation. To suggest that masturbation be used for the release of tension is a very primitive use of this energy. No judgement. But this article really could have touched on cosmic sexuality and learning to use this energy in a transmutational way, rather than expelling this energy for self-gratification.
“Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon” is a good book to start from.
Dear Mireille, My sex life is not very active because of my erectile problem. I am 62 years old. Slowly my urge towards sex has reduced. However, your article is very interesting.
Dear V.,
Thank you for your kind words. If your erectile problem has an emotional cause, there is still healing possible with the MIR-Method. We have the first testimonials of that in Dutch. Which gave quite an uplift in that man’s life.
Hope you are feeling fulfilled despite of the erectile problem!
Good luck!
Mireille Mettes
Good article !! At 84 I still have sexual fantasies. It is a good release of energy for me.
Dear Donald,
Yes, it is something that stays with people as long as they live. I am glad you are still enjoying it!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
comprenant très mal l’Anglais, il est dommage que je ne puisse pas tout traduire.
Je fais la methode MIr depuis deux mois et…. je ne ressens rien. Dois je continuer.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Bien cordialement.
Bonjour Martine,
Oui, tu peux continuer, parce que ça marche, mais pas très visible. Si tu ne veux pas continuer, c’est bien naturellement. Ça dépend si tu peux encore trouver le courage de le faire…
J’espère que tu va sentir des améliorements bientôt.
Bon courage!
Mireille Mettes