8. Seven Tips for Preventing Odorous Armpits
It’s a problem for many people: sweaty and odorous armpits. And especially when the sweat begins to have an odor. Result: unpleasantly smelling armpits! It can be very embarrassing when you haven’t noticed this yourself and someone else draws your attention to it.
But…. there is something you can do about it! Below I have collected the 7 best tips for taking care of odorous armpits. Success!
1. Don’t Wash your odorous armpits; Scrub!
Bacteria on your skin cause the odor in your transpiration. Fresh sweat doesn’t smell unless your body is contaminated internally (read tip 2). To tackle the bacteria, you’ll need to cleanse yourself. And then not gently with shower gel or mild soap, but rub your skin with soap and a washcloth for a good two minutes. Scrub!
2. Stop Drinking Soda Now!
When the smell of your sweat is strong, too many waste products are being disposed of. Soda is one of the major culprits. The sugars in soda give your body an overdose, which acidifies it. To get rid of the sugars, your body has to use every means possible, including your armpits, resulting in a lot of sour-smelling sweat! This funny video below shows just how much sugar is in soda.
Drink up the rest of it and don’t buy any more, but fill the bottles with water. For taste you can optionally squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into the water.
3. Replace your Deodorant with a Natural Deodorant!
Use a deodorant that takes care of bacteria without closing off your pores! Your armpits need to be able to sweat or the problem will become worse because your body won’t be able to dispose of the waste. Let your armpits do their work and prevent the odor by using sprays that tackle the bacteria.
4. Use the MIR-Method
Keep your aim high, of course. With the MIR-Method you set your body’s self-healing process in motion and ensure that your body cleanses itself. You may temporarily have a stronger odor (hence the increased scrubbing) but, after a while, it will decrease.
5. Shave your Armpits
Armpit hair traps many bacteria. Shaving it can already have a good effect on the odor your armpits are giving off.
6. Sweat When it Suits You
Give your body more possibilities for sweating by exercising intensively or using the sauna. Give your body the means to rid itself of sweat so that the sweat that comes out after that will smell less or have no odor at all.
7. Drink Water!
Yes, I know, it’s actually the same as tip 2, but I really want to stress this. By drinking water you give your liver, kidneys and intestines the opportunity to deal with waste products more efficiently and, therefore, your body will need to use your armpits less to accomplish this. Just keep drinking!
Question for you: What tip do you have for other people? Please write about it below. Thank you!
I wish you fresh armpits!
Mireille Mettes
P.S. Will you help spread the MIR-Method? You would do me a big favor by forwarding this article to other people! Feel free to post it to your Facebook page or send it via e-mail, Twitter or Linked-In! Use the icons on the left-hand side or below! Thank you!
P.S. Not familiar with the MIR-Method yet? Please go to the homepage. You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Sign up for our newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
Thank you for this informative article.
For me I’ve given up eating garlic & onions to reduce body orders.
I use lemon juice instead of deodorant for the same reason I drink lemon juice with water. It keeps my body in a more alkaline state. Either spray it on or use a makeup pad to apply.
I never drink soda or use other toxic products. That just makes more work for our bodies to detox.
I appreciate the tips!
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for adding your tips! Great idea to put lemon juice on your armpits. I really think this should work! And yes, if we drink soda or other toxic products, boy, does our body need extra nutrients and energy to get rid of them again. Better to not put them in our bodies at all. Totally agree! Thank you for adding this!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
I started to use a little baking soda in the armpits instead of deodorant, keeps me fresh for 24 hours, be sure the baking soda is aluminum free!
Dear Lona,
Here in the Netherlands many people wrote below this article that they are doing the same and that it really helps them greatly! Thank you for sharing it too, because you will encourage others!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes