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107. The Group’s Strength — 6 Comments

  1. World Peace, it starts with our own inner peace within.
    Started the MIR-Method (day one)
    Hiy hiy

    Luana from Turtle Island (North America)

  2. As a member of the Baha’i Faith,where service to others is considered a noble act, it is a very uplifting feeling to be part of a group of likeminded people, especially joining a group in prayer, or getting together in consultation or study. There is a wonderful connection and I am blessed that it is my way of life.

  3. I practice Mir Method since a month (and +).
    I noted when I say the 7th, 8th and 9th step, I get tingly sensation on scalp. Today it begans at the 5th step. I think is because I feel the good effects of the method. Since 2 weeks, the good tools occur to help me in my spritual evolution. My life project is not still clear but now I feel less worried. I go on with enthusiasm. Thank you to exist Mireille and to offerd us this nice tools for our life.

    I would like to be on relation with other people. But please the only thing I do not use is FACEBOOK and I would like not to use it beacause I spend too much time on the computer. Anyway thank you fot all

    • Dear Marie-JosĂ©,
      It would be great to have MIR-Method groups in France too! I will work on that. People can then meet each other and do the MIR-Method together.
      Thank you for doing the MIR-Method and yes, that tingly sensation is what many people feel! Good signal!
      Good luck!
      Greetings, Mireille

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