107. The Group’s Strength
Disempowerment, apathy or “It doesn’t make any difference,” is what many people feel or think. They see injustice, conflicts and negative news and feel helpless about them. You can do so little on your own. It’s too big and too comprehensive to do something about it. That’s how it feels; like a loner calling out in a desert. Or, as if you’re a drop in the whole ocean. Hopeless to do something about it before you even get started. It paralyzes many people, leaving people with the intense feeling that they are totally powerless and have to just carry, hide or numb the suffering. “That’s just the way it is.”
Disturbed meridians
These feelings of impotence affect your health greatly. The feeling that you can’t do anything about something and that you just have to watch as it happens causes disturbances in your meridians. Especially in:
- The triple warmer meridian, which affects your thyroid and adrenal glands.
- The milt meridian, which affects your spleen and pancreas.
- The large intestine meridian, which especially affects the condition of your skin.
- The bladder meridian, which affects your bladder and peeing.
- The liver meridian, which affects your liver and how you express your anger.
In other words, feelings of disempowerment undermine your health. This is especially true if this feeling has played a role in your life for years, maybe even starting in childhood!
Hope springs eternal
What most people are missing is hope. They’ve seen too much to have hope for change in the future. They’ve been disappointed too often by supervisors, chairpersons or governments. They’ve got the feeling that they are not really being listened to and that protesting doesn’t help. Still, there’s always someone who doesn’t give up. He or she remains committed to working towards change. They hold onto their own ideals. They continue to believe that improvement really is possible. Usually they are idealists with great passion. Often they choose not to talk about it but to show it, as if they were saying, “See, it’s possible, I’m showing you how. Are you in? Will you follow?”
I really love these people. I call them leaders, leaders who lead by showing the example, so-called “lifestyle leaders”. These people clamp onto their ideals by living them out for us: “This is how you can tackle it; this is how you do it.”
The strength of the group
It’s wonderful that there are such lifestyle leaders, but what is it to you? That is the fun part. You can mean a lot to these leaders and their deeds by contributing. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel but can contribute to lifestyle leaders’ activities. The more people support them, the easier it becomes. The strength of people who work towards the same goal is enormous! And… contributing to others is healing for your health! Your meridians will thank you as you become less powerless! Do it!
What can you do?
How can you contribute? There are 3 ways:
– Give money
– Give time
– Give words
Give money
Every lifestyle leader needs money for his/her own daily expenses, to carry out projects and to have time for spreading their message.
Give time
All lifestyle leaders have a shortage of time. They work very hard and would love to delegate some of their tasks. If you have some spare time, you could give one of them some of your time. Ask what you can do for them. It’s helpful if you mention what you like to do such as answering the telephone, typing texts, cleaning animals shelters, drawing cartoons, garden maintenance; whatever. It’s possible that they don’t have something right away but can put you on a list and let you know when something comes up.
Give words
And the third is possibly the easiest, and most certainly not unimportant: talk about it! Become familiar with the projects and talk with everyone about them. Word of mouth publicity is, after all, what works best for lifestyle leaders. Use your Facebook page to create attention for their good cause. The more people learn about the project, the more you’re contributing to the project. It doesn’t cost you anything and it’s worth its weight in gold for the lifestyle leaders and their projects!
NEW The MIR-Method Closed Group on Facebook!
If you feel you could use some support from other people who use the MIR-Method, then why not join the group for MIRrors (MIR-Method users). There you can share your thoughts and ask questions. Other MIR-Method users will then answer your questions. Enjoy and remember… together you’re much more influential and stronger than on your own!
Click here to go to the MIR-Method Closed Group.
Tell me, what project warms your heart? Do you know of any lifestyle leaders who could use some support? Please add them below! Thank you!
Personal questions should always be asked of a MIR-Method coach!
Do you already feel a little less disempowered? I hope so!
Mireille Mettes
P.S. You would do me a big favor by posting this article to your Facebook page or forwarding it via e-mail, Twitter or Linked-in! Use the icons on the left-hand side! Thank you!
P.S. Are you not yet familiar with the MIR-Method? Please go to the homepage: www.mirmethod.com You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Register on the homepage to receive the newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support.
World Peace, it starts with our own inner peace within.
Started the MIR-Method (day one)
Hiy hiy
Luana from Turtle Island (North America)
Hi Mireille,
Sarah Corbett and The Craftivist Collective are a great inspiration for me. Yes, lets
make the world a more beautiful place, while making a point, one stitch at the time.
On https://craftivist-collective.com/blog/2019/12/you-asked-for-it-sarahs-2019-shelfie/
she gives a list of writers that inspired her.
You can adopt a Craftivist and support their art of gentle protest:”Heart work is hard work”.
As a member of the Baha’i Faith,where service to others is considered a noble act, it is a very uplifting feeling to be part of a group of likeminded people, especially joining a group in prayer, or getting together in consultation or study. There is a wonderful connection and I am blessed that it is my way of life.
I practice Mir Method since a month (and +).
I noted when I say the 7th, 8th and 9th step, I get tingly sensation on scalp. Today it begans at the 5th step. I think is because I feel the good effects of the method. Since 2 weeks, the good tools occur to help me in my spritual evolution. My life project is not still clear but now I feel less worried. I go on with enthusiasm. Thank you to exist Mireille and to offerd us this nice tools for our life.
I would like to be on relation with other people. But please the only thing I do not use is FACEBOOK and I would like not to use it beacause I spend too much time on the computer. Anyway thank you fot all
Dear Marie-José,
It would be great to have MIR-Method groups in France too! I will work on that. People can then meet each other and do the MIR-Method together.
Thank you for doing the MIR-Method and yes, that tingly sensation is what many people feel! Good signal!
Good luck!
Greetings, Mireille
Good Article, resonated with me!! The ball is now in my court !! Thanks n!!