174. When Flowers Keep You Going
Life isn’t always easy. There’s a lot of trial and error. From stubbing your nose to taking on too much responsibility to, at times, just sobbing. Look around you, but be especially careful with watching TV and listening to the news. If you absorb everything that is said, it will seriously cloud your view of reality. And you’ve already got enough on your plate. Coping in a world full of people who forget what kindness and gentleness is, is difficult.
Losing yourself
People who regularly return to themselves are strong people. They focus on themselves, get in tune with their own energy. Find themselves again. For sensitive people, this is a requirement! If you don’t do this, you run after every hype and craziness, become trapped in the rat race and lose yourself. People who have distanced themselves from themselves for too long, loosen themselves from themselves and eventually create disease. Your body does this very cleverly, by becoming ill. Being sick is, at that point, the only way to bring you close to yourself again. That’s why sickness brings purification, for your body, your energy and your soul.
Comfort from nature
By doing the MIR-Method and stroking your hand, you bring yourself closer to yourself again. In a world full of unrest, this is necessary. And it activates you if you are having problems with yourself, like after a divorce or a burnout. It often begins with walking. Walking outside, feeling fresh air on your cheeks, smelling the odors, seeing bright green colors on the trees and hearing birds, with the silence of nature surrounding you like a blanket. Cuddling with your pet. Touching a flower. Your hands around a warm mug of tea. Back in your own small circle. It’s as if you are running away but nothing is further from the truth. You are re-charging! Away with all the outside stimuli and back to what’s normal, small and to being real. Back to yourself.
Wonder about endless beauty is also like this. It returns you to what is beautiful about this earth, to what’s great about life. Look at the flowers and you cause this to return to yourself. The growth of the stems, the unfolding of the leaves, the bud that remains closed for a long time but then suddenly opens with pestles, pollen and fragrance. The colors that burst forth cannot be confined to a painter’s canvas. The unimaginable wonder that something so amazing “just” grows. A flower has done its best for you by blossoming so beautifully. It causes you to see what is really important: the great wonder about everything on earth. The purity, the generosity and the harmony. The flowers help to remind you. Even more, they keep us going because they blossom for you. They say, “I love you; everything is ok”!
The blossoming flower is like your heart
To make this even clearer, a video follows of flowers opening, so you can make contact with the wonder of flowers and the wonder of nature. You can feel how your heart opens up as each blossom does.
Meaning of flowers
If you love flowers, it’s always fun to see what meaning each flower has. For example, I really love hydrangeas. Hydrangeas stand for “collective harmony”. And why does that sound familiar? Isn’t that my heart’s desire?
I’m curious to hear about which flowers you really love and what they stand for! Look it up and share it below, if you’d like. And maybe you’d also like to share about how you re-discovered yourself using the MIR-Method. I’d love to hear about it! Please write about it below. Thank you!
Wishing you many flowers along your path!
Greetings, Mireille
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P.S. Are you not yet familiar with the MIR-Method? Please go to the homepage: www.mirmethod.com. You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Register on the homepage to receive the newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
A nice coincidence of a HeartMath flower video clip:
As usual, Mireille’s article is timely and a little surprising. About my favorite flower (I actually had a DREAM about this last night!) I learned some new facts, and have even more to think about. Trust, for example, is something I’ve been meditation on just recently. “The freesia flower originated in South Africa, and belongs to the Iris family which includes approximately 14 freesia species. This flower got its name when the botanist, Christian P. Ecklon, named the flower after Friedrich H.T. Freese, a fellow botanist, as a commemoration of their friendship. Freesia meanings include friendship, trust, and innocence, among various other meanings.”
I love flowers and over the years I found out that every flower that grows in your garden is a reflecting on how you are feeling (as you already said), or what your body needs at that time and when you don’t need it anymore, it will disappear out of your garden. I have experienced this for many years and I love the alignment/interaction with nature and animals <3
Dear Mirelle,
I am always fascinated by flowers. I feel very happy and amazed whenever I look at them. I was told even when i was just older than a year i used to go after flowers where ever I find them and my parents used to find it very difficult to distract me. i used to want to have them no matter where they were. My father would pluck them from the bushes and let me have them, which made me smile. I am 40 and have the same feeling for flowers. It catches my attention be it the tiniest of them hidden in any wild bush. I keep pondering upon this feeling as to what is the significance of flowers. I feel these are the expressions of god.
As a Homeopath, it tells me that you are a very sensitive person. You easily get affected and reactive by situations around you. What you are drawn to reflects your personality, it’s who you are – sensitive, lover of natural beauty and adaptive.
This is very wonderful information..thank you! Let Nature be your Teacher..and Healer.
The rose, Peace, was a favourite of my wonderful father-in-law, who was such a happy and positive man, so it always reminds me of him. Forget-me-nots were the flowers on the front of a greeting card which I bought for my mother when I was a child I think of and which I have never forgotten.
I think of all the lovely flowers, in many bouquets, which my wonderful children have bought for me over many years and the joy and happiness that filled my heart when I recieived then and it still fills my heart with love to remember them.
I now have come to rely on the MIRmethod to help me when I feel I need a boost of energy and love.