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69. Female Leadership in Turbulent Times — 10 Comments

  1. I think the overall approach that women can do is to lead with compassion. Varying situations and varying personalities can all be addressed with a healthy dose of compassion. Asking what created this situation ? Ask what is the principle involved in remedying this?
    A measure of empathy with detachment is also useful.
    I am a member of the Baha’i Faith and we have a great deal of guidance on to how to assist in making this world a better place.
    Sincere greetings

    • Dear Sheila,
      Sounds like you are doing wonderful work in bringing peace between people!
      Thank you for sharing!
      Greetings, Mireille

    • Dear Pauline,
      Do you use the MIR-Method? Then give yourself the time to let your subconscious deal with the deeper emotions that are the causes of the finances, weight and concentration difficulties. Do you drink water at all? And please keep reading the newsletters, so I can inform you about what you can do and what you can actively change in your life.
      Hope you will become stronger day by day!
      Greetings, Mireille Mettes

  2. Bonjour Mireille, merci pour tous ces mails reçus depuis
    Ci longtemps,je vais vous donner une idée qui peut être
    Ajoutée à votre liste,aller visiter un ami malade à l’hôpital
    Et lui apporter tout le réconfort possible,appeler les amis qui se
    Retrouvent seuls et les soutenir moralement,etc,la solitude est un thème très intéressant dans nos pays développés malheureusement.
    Bien à vous une fidèle lectrice.Damelis.

    • Bonjour Damelis,
      Oui, c’est vraît, la solitude c’est horrible et grave. Il vient encore une article ou j’écris de la solitude dans quelques mois.
      Merci pour tes gentil mots!
      Mireille Mettes

  3. I think one of the most genuine and authentic ways to show female leadership is by the example in which you live your life. A ‘quiet’ leadership if you will, not ‘hey, look at me and how I do things,’ but rather with inner calm and peacefulness. Your own personal example is always teaching, whether you realize it or not. Be in the moment and not let outside influences affect your own mood or response. In essence, it is rising above the news of the day and turmoil that is life. But then, THAT is what #1-23 IS saying. Shakespeare, To thine own self be true. A universal truth, not a flighty moment in time, ungrounded.

    • Dear Nancy,
      Wow, you can quote Shakespeare, cool! Besides that I totally agree with every word you say. It is in every step we take in every word we choose to say and how we treat ourselves. All that is being the example. Once we all totally understand that, we will change the world completely!
      Greetings and thanks!
      Mireille Mettes

      • Thank you. I so look forward to reading each week. I am halfway through chemotherapy and have done the MIR-method almost 4 months. I know this has helped me as much as the ‘prescribed’ medications. This whole journey/process has been like peeling back layers….in that respect I am thankful in this phase of life. I would not choose this, but I will own this.
        Again, thank you, Mireille. You are peace.

        • Dear Nancy,
          Hope you will get through it without too much trouble! Your faith and good spirit are at least half the work! Hope to hear from you again in a few months to hear how you’re doing!
          Good luck and big hug!
          Mireille Mettes

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