190. Useful Diarrhea, 5 Causes
Oh no, abdominal cramps! And we run to the bathroom. Oh no, diarrhea! We spend the whole day near the toilet, with intense cramps and a nasty odor! Bah! We sure would like to avoid that part of being human! But… diarrhea serves a very useful purpose about which we can also be very happy: the great cleanse!
The great cleanse
With diarrhea, your intestines completely empty themselves. Everything that’s in them is thrown out. And that often happens so quickly that you can’t keep up with it. So you have to stay close to the toilet. And what is so nice about that? Well, at the time it’s pretty unpleasant and you feel bad, pitiful, tired and dirty and you can’t concentrate on anything. You can hardly think and struggle through your day. Going outside isn’t even an option so you have to stay at home waiting for the next set of cramps and the next sprint to the bathroom. But once it’s over, you can feel much better. Renewed! As if you’ve been refreshed! You’ve had a great cleanse! The word diarrhea means, “flow through”. Thank you, abdomen!
What’s your stomach full of?
But why do you get diarrhea? Why does your body do this? There are various possible causes. It can be because of:
- Food poisoning
You’ve eaten something that your body experiences as being toxic. Maybe something was spoiled or your body thought it was too weird and not suitable for you. Your body then causes diarrhea to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Often you also have to throw up. Your body wants to get rid of it NOW! Just let it happen, don’t resist it. Let your body do its work and then calmly recover. You can thank your lucky stars that your body so clearly indicates what its boundaries are!
- Antibiotics
You are prescribed antibiotics and your body responds to them with diarrhea. That’s a signal that your body is not happy with the antibiotics. It wants to get rid of them! On the “Be the MIRror”-website is something to deal with the side effects of medicines, such as antibiotics. It causes your body to accept them temporarily because your doctor wants you to use them. Sometimes antibiotics are necessary!
Note! Resistance to antibiotics!
Thankfully, doctors are careful about prescribing antibiotics because bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to them!
Researcher Nienke Beerlage of the University of Twente (Netherlands): “Through overuse and incorrect use by people and animals, bacteria have become insensitive to these remedies. (…) Don’t demand them with a cold or flu. Antibiotics don’t work against a virus (such as a cold). By inflammation in our bodies, further testing is necessary and preferable. Only after the doctor and patient know what is really going on can the correct medication be prescribed. This approach costs time and is more expensive, but in the long run is necessary to be able to continue to treat everyday infections.”
Or, as explained here by the World Health Organization (WHO): Antibiotic Resistance.
- You are letting go of old emotions.
When you get diarrhea, it’s a sign that your body is letting go of emotions. The small intestine is very sensitive and can quickly warn you if something doesn’t feel good. We call that our “gut feeling”. The small intestine can actually store up emotions. For example, feeling that you’ve been abandoned. It could have happened during your childhood but also later when someone broke up with you. Your small intestine stores up that emotion and tries to deal with it for you. Something can take years. If you do the MIR-Method, you help yourself to deal with old emotions and diarrhea can develop. At the moment that you get diarrhea, you are letting go of those emotions, your small intestine is done with them! And you too! Hooray!
- Releasing accumulated tension.
The intestine can store up tension. For example, when there is tension at work. Colleagues who have conflicts with you or with each other. You feel the tension that’s in the air and store it up inside yourself in order to return to a more peaceful atmosphere. If you do this, your mission is to be a “Cleanser”. It’s also possible that the people you work with are full of tension. People that work in education or in health care are constantly in touch with people who feel tension, such as students who have to take exams or sick people. In other words, your intestines empty themselves of all the tension. Not very nice, but it does bring relief.
- Virus or bacteria
It’s possible that a virus or bacteria causes the diarrhea. In that case, learn about the MIR-Method technique that you can do with viruses and bacteria that’s in the Additional techniques course. You soften your body’s reaction and the diarrhea is gone more quickly. Hopefully you can see why I don’t just freely spread that around Internet. But… once you’ve taught it to yourself, you can teach it to others. The important thing is that they have done the MIR-Method for at least four week first.
What can you do about diarrhea?
Diarrhea usually goes away within a week. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you drink enough fluids. Dehydration is the only risk, and chapped buttocks from wiping. You lose a lot of fluid through your bowels. You supplement it with water, tea or bullion. No soda or sugared drinks. Also no diet drinks because they often contain laxative sweeteners. Note that when you start eating again, you eat something containing a lot of fiber. That helps you to hold onto moisture. For example, (raw) vegetables and whole wheat bread or crackers. You can eat them dry. Vegetable soup also helps.
And how about you? What do you usually do when you have diarrhea? What tips can you give to other people? I’d love to hear from you. Please write about it below. Thank you!
That your intestines will be kind to you!
Greetings, Mireille
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P.S. Not familiar with the MIR-Method yet? Please go to the homepage. You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Sign up for our newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
I’ve suffered with IBS my while life, chronic constipation for 35 years, than an unhappy marriage turned it into chronic diarrhoea, which I’ve had for almost another 35 years. The only medical advice I’ve had is to eat a low fibre diet and use loperamide. Limited options for fruit, grains & veg, exactly the opposite of what I want to eat. This can’t be right?
Dear Sparks,
No indeed what you describe is not ‘useful diarrhea’. Have you already checked out whether the causes of your intestinal problems is caused by emotions?
The small intestine is, for example, hindered by feelings of vulnerability or abandonment.
I really hope that you will have good results doing the MIR-Method!
Greetings, Mireille
I have found peppermint and chamomile tea to stop the cramping. Works quickly and you sleep deeply and wake up refreshed the
next day. Daria
For me it has been a challenge, 30 years + of fast digestion ( Microscopic colitis)
I chose not to take meds. Anybody have a fix ?
I have tried many alternative approches, and trying to find the source of when it stared..
thank you! I am doing the MIR-Method it’s been 4 weeks +.
Greetings, Cindy
For me it has been a challenge, 30 years + of fast digestion ( Microscopic colitis)
I chose not to take meds. Anybody have a fix ?
I have tried many alternative approches, and trying to find the source of when it stared..
thank you! I am doing the MIR-Method it’s been 1 week.
Greetings, Cindy
there are many variations in peoples’ experiences with diarrhea. Some folks are so full of hardened waste from years of constipation, only liquid stool can exit through all the tight areas created by the congestion. If you are never constipated and you get diarrhea. it can be cleansing as described so beautifully by Mireille, but if you have small amounts of liquid stool often and you also have a history of inadequate eliminations, you may very well be full of impacted waste that isn’t moving well and only the liquid can get by. This is a very common response to laxatives because the bowel is too weak to move the big hard waste.
Dear Carla,
I think this is quite a shocking, but important extra cause of diarrhea. Thank you for adding it! Maybe the use of laxatives is more widespread then I know. And yes, the intestines then become ‘lazy’, which will create a much bigger problem. Hope people will look into it and make profound changes into their habit of laxatives!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
Well, perfect you should mention it!
I had that going on last night. Many rounds that kept me running back to the toilet.
I thought I was done, then another rumble in “Lower Slobovia” as my mother used to call it.
It actually felt like a good release. Ive had ALOT going on that’s been troubling me both physically and emotionally ending in taking a combo of meds the night before that did not agree with me made me dizzy and nauseous and weak.
So maybe that was being purged out of my system.
Also maybe all the ice cream I ate last night!
Thank you for this insightful article.
Gratefully Yours,
Dear Martha,
Thank you for seeing it as a way in which your body really wants to clean itself!
And oh oh oh, that ice cream. It is so totally not helpful for your body. Hope your emotional troubles will subside very soon!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes