99. Two Reasons and 3 Tips for When You Start to Dislike Bread
Bread is a standard part of breakfast and lunch. At least, it is for many people. It provides energy and in such a way that your glucose levels don’t spike. Good, right? Or not? The strange thing is that many people start to dislike eating bread. Of course, we already know that some people are allergic to gluten. And many more people are choosing to not eat bread anymore. If you look at people in some of the Asian countries, you never find bread on the menu. Are they so different or have we missed something?
The MIR-Method and bread
When you do the MIR-Method, you come into contact with yourself more and more. This happens just from stroking your hand. It causes you to feel more clearly and more sharply what is good for you and what isn’t, which food is good for you and which food isn’t. You stop eating some things and suddenly start to crave other foods. Sometimes you don’t like to eat certain foods anymore because your body stops tolerating them. This can happen, for example, with alcohol or sweets, but also with bread.
If you start to dislike eating bread
It’s possible that you start to dislike eating bread while doing the MIR-Method. That’s no problem; it’s a signal that it no longer suits you. But pay attention. Is the bread the problem or what is in it? Maybe you notice that the bread doesn’t feel good in your mouth anymore. Chewing is no longer pleasurable. Does it feel like a brick in your stomach? Maybe it’s the cause of your constipation or hemorrhoids, or maybe you find yourself looking for alternatives such as crackers, sourdough bread, muesli, oatmeal rye bread, or for example, eggs, smoothies, fruit or vegetable juice.
Reasons that bread is no longer pleasurable
There can be two reasons for this.
1. Your body refuses to accept the chemicals in bread anymore, such as:
– L-Cysteïne, E920 (look at the video of the Dutch documentary of the ‘Keuringsdienst van Waarde’ And especially look at the end to see what the baker does with the bread he is tasting!
If you want a more scientific explanation, look here at Wikipedia and read under ‘Industrial sources’.
– Substances which extend the bread’s shelf life.
If you buy your bread in the supermarket, check the package to see what is in it. Buy your bread at a baker’s; it will contain fewer preservatives. Bread from a baker who sells organic bread won’t contain any. Taste the difference! Or bake your own bread.
2. Your body is indicating that bread is not the type of food that it needs. According to information from Dr. William Davis, who wrote the book “Wheat Belly”, for example, it seems that grains are not good for us and that we need more proteins and fats. That’s consistent with what I know from the Blood Type Diet, Chinese medicine and various dietary guidelines.
According to the book, “Wheat Belly”, if you eat less bread, you will lose weight and your head will become clearer. That is my personal experience and what I’ve heard from people around me who have stopped eating bread, particularly when it comes to wheat. If you start to dislike eating bread, this could be the reason.
What can you do?
There are three possible reactions to this:
1. You continue to eat bread and continue to observe how your body reacts to it. If it feels good, great!
2. You choose to change the bread you are eating to bread with less wheat and more rye or oats, for example. Maybe eat baker’s bread instead of from the supermarket. Maybe stop eating bread and eat crackers or rye bread instead.
3. You choose to stop eating bread. You don’t eat it for one week and see how you feel. Is your head clearer? Are bowel movements easier for you? Has your sleep improved? Do you feel less bloated? Do you notice little difference? If the last one is true for you, just start eating bread again.
If you like not eating bread or eating less of it, you will find suggestions for what you can eat in Dr. William Davis’ ”Wheat Belly Cookbook”. It’s quite an adjustment affecting your whole life, but with small steps you can really change your eating habits.
Have you noticed that you desire bread less and less since starting the MIR-Method? How do you feel about this? I’d love to hear from you! Please write about it below. Thank you!
Personal questions should always be asked of a MIR-Method coach!
Bon appetite!
Mireille Mettes
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Im not sure what’s going on but a week ago or so Im turning off on bread Ive bought 2 different kinds and makes me feel yucky taste and smells seem to be bothering me I just dont feel right
Carol Ann
I’ve noticed for the past 2-3 weeks everytime I try to consume bread I do exactly what the man did at the end! I hate the chew/ texture, the taste is annoying and I just don’t want it in my mouth! I will try the MRI method from here on out with everything I consume. I thought I was going crazy because I use to love subs/ sandwiches but now I can barley eat those items. I think my body is trying to communicate because I don’t even like occasionally drinking anymore.
I hate Bread
and i would not smell it or even go near it
I dont like bread never could eat it,I never like it as a child I don’t like it now make me want to throw up when I put it in my mouth,when I was a child just smelling of it made me want to throw up
Dear Patricia,
It’s such a good thing that you stayed true to your taste and need for bread, which is obviously ‘zero’! You must surely have inspired others by eating other foods than bread!
Thank you for that!
Greetings, Mireille Mettes
Yes! i don’t like bread much either.
me to im 11 years old i cant eat bread the second i put it in my mouth i feel like i have to barf (and my family and friends make fun of me because of it :(. )
Me too 🙁
Last August I had my final chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer and have been trying to regain my stamina. January, 2016, I started an eating lifestyle with NO sugar, alcohol, grains, corn and corn products, no dairy. Normally I am a pretty clean eater anyway, but omitting these foods for 30 days (WHOLE 30) and eating only real foods has helped immensely. What I noticed was I did not have cravings. How could that be? I prayed a lot, and I am sure that helped, but I also had started MIR-Method last March, 2015 at my daughter’s suggestion. I did this religiously for more than several months, as I was in treatment for breast cancer. I now attribute MIR-Method is the other main component. This is so exciting for me. It is not about will-power, but rather the food we put into our body three times a day! I will continue MIR-Method as I know this is a main part of my journey back to strong health. Thank you! This article is ‘spot-on’!
Dear Nancy,
I just got a shower of tinglings over my body! Thank you for sharing! Yes, it is amazing what our bodies and subconscious can do! I am very happy you take food so seriously and take such good care of yourself. It is all about loving yourself and taking care of your body. Well done! Thank you for embracing the MIR-Method and I wish you all good that life still has to offer for you! And thank you to your daughter for sharing it with you!
Good luck, big hug! <3
Mireille Mettes