Using the MIR-Method is helpful for many people. However, after you have done the MIR-Method for four weeks, there is a whole set of techniques you can also do. In this online course I will teach you those techniques, and they are awesome!

Part 1

  1. Treating animals with the MIR-Method
  2. Doing the MIR-Method at a distance
  3. Treating insects
  4. Using the MIR-Method as a jetlag treatment

Part 2

5. Reset your biological time clock
6. Reset your internal clock
7. First Aid for injuries. Useful for burns, cuts, bruises, etc Including migraine and nightmares.
8. Treat somebody else with the First Aid
9. First Aid with cold sores

Part 3

10. First Aid with Emotions: Fear, Anger, Sadness. Using the first aid calms your client down quickly.
11. First Aid with Addictions
12. First Aid with Bulimia and Binge-eating
13. MIR-Method Massage

Deep understanding of the MIR-Method

It is strongly advised to first watch the recordings of the online course ‘Deep understanding of the MIR-Method’.

Participant requirement

This course is meant for professionals. You must have practised the MIR-Method for at least 4 weeks prior to the online course! You can teach the technique to your clients, but they also need to have done the MIR-Method for at least 4 weeks before they can use these techniques.


The course will be held in English.

Costs of the course

87,50 Euros (approx. 99 USD or 68 GBP)


Click here to register for this course.


After this course you can watch the online course ‘Deep understanding of the MIR-Method’ to work with the MIR-Method professionally. We recommend to do the ‘Deep understanding’-course first, prior to the additional techniques!