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178. Whoopee, a Cup of Tea! — 5 Comments

  1. I’m having a cup of tea, from a flask, in the Orkney Islands off the far north of Scotland. It is quiet and still and peaceful here in the Spring sunshine. A cup of tea makes it even better after some hard walking. Enjoy your cups of tea, wherever you are!

  2. Thank you! I appreciate the reminder to enjoy a cup of tea.
    Still using the MIR Method with clients and for myself.

  3. just added you to my Facebook page and as I’m English which goes with drinking tea I’m a fan already but been a follower of natural therapy and healthy ways of eating and drinking for many years have been drinking many versions of different teas and herbal infusions. Green and white teas I like as I have digestive issues and drinking a light green tea seems to help. I have a cupboard full of herbal teas for all sorts of conditions and now knowing about the benefits of Turmeric I now sometimes make a cup of Golden Milk made with almond or other non dairy milk. for an easy version I recommend Goldene Milch Bio by Raab which I buy in Germany but sure you can get it in Holland I also wisk in a tsp. coconut oil

    • Dear Rolf,
      Thank you so much, it is very interesting! I watched the first 3 minutes and am hooked. Will surely look at the rest of the video. Hope many MIRrors will!
      Greetings, Mireille Mettes

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