Do you suffer from allergies and have you noticed that this has improved because of the MIR-Method, or has it even disappeared altogether? That’s great!
We’d like to hear from you about what has improved! Please answer these questions:
1. How long have you done the MIR-Method?
2. How did the MIR-Method help you and what changes did it bring to your life?
At the bottom of this page is a form, which you can use to report your results. By clicking on “End”, you’ll jump to the form.
Would you like to read more on this subject? Please read the article Mireille Mettes wrote about allergies.
If you have questions about using the MIR-Method, please look at the page Questions or get in touch with a MIR-Method coach. We don’t answer personal questions on this page.
Wondering about your method.
Hi Mireille!
Thank you for the MIR Method! I heard about it through a friend. Now, I’ve used it for the last 5 months. I used to have an allergic reaction to sugar. Every time I eat any sugary foods, my face would breakout and have flu like symptoms and be really sick. since I’ve used the MIR Method, the reaction is gone and I now enjoy eating some desert without any problems. I’ve decided to continue using the MIR Method for a year at least and see what changes it’ll bring about my body. Thank you immensely for your gift.
Dear Félicité,
I am SO happy for you! Yes, it is often a problem to eat certain foods, for many people. The root cause is almost always: old emotions. Something that happened in childhood that your brain has connected to sugar. When you use the MIR-Method, you wipe out those old emotions, so that eating foods, such as sugar doesn’t feel ‘toxic’ to your body anymore.
Am glad for you you can enjoy the sweetness of food again!
Greetings, Mireille
Hi Mireille,
For quite some time (at least 5 years), I’ve been using the MIR-Method for myself as well as for my family, the cat and now my chickens as well. At one point, one of my hens became very sick and was greatly weakened. The veterinarian had given up hope but with support from the MIR-Method, she has become herself again. My children know how to treat themselves when allergy-related sneezing, runny noses, etc. flare up. I am so enthusiastic about it that I often name the MIR-Method when the subject comes up. Many people can hardly believe that it is so childishly simple and yet works. I understand that, but I am living proof of this self-healing method.
My hay fever has been under control for years now. When it threatens to return, I just have to do the MIR-Method a few times and it’s gone. Wonderful! I’m so glad to have run into you, Mireille!
I’ve been free of my (substantial) allergies for over one and a half years now, including my dog allergy. When we decided, after careful consideration, to take a fantastic and sweet Labrador into our home last year, I had problems because of my allergy. Thankfully, I came across Mireille Mettes who helped me to get rid of my allergies after a few treatments. How lucky! After taking a self-testing and treatment course and using the MIR-Method, I can keep myself free of allergies. We’re fully enjoying our special dog and meanwhile I think: health is an important thing. Thanks, Mireille!
Dear Mireille,
I’ve been doing the MIR-Method for 4 weeks now to treat my allergic reactions. My allergic rash has diminished significantly, but I still do get a rash sometimes. Should I continue until I get the desired results or take a break for a while?
I hope to hear from you soon.
With friendly greetings,
Dear Farisha,
Great that you felt that you should start doing the MIR-Method again. Just keep doing it until the allergy has given up. Good luck and I’d love to hear how you are doing!
Mireille Mettes