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Webinar: ‘Claircognizance in daily life’ — 2 Comments

  1. I destinclty rememeber parents telling me to stop or be quiet when I stated things I knew as a child. As an adult, I now mostly have claircognizance in cases of emergency for me and sometimes for clients. I look forward to noticing if the claircognizance increases with the MIR-Method.

  2. Very helpful Mireille, to hear you on this webinar on Claircognizance, a word that is new to me. It does remind me of the third way of knowing something, that B.de Spinoza mentioned. He said you can know by ‘hear-say’, by ‘your deductions’ and you can know ‘from the things themselves’…
    I am so glad you showed here that clear ‘Out of the Blue’ knowing will be more accepted as a valid option too!

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