MIR-Method e-Handbook (Digital Version)


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The MIR-Method e-Handbook (download version) describes how the MIR-Method was developed and by which alternative healing methods it was inspired. The statements that Mireille Mettes makes are supported by many scientific sources. There is also a printed version of the MIR-Method handbook available.

In addition the e-Handbook contains a detailed explanation of each step of the MIR-Method and the most effective ways to implement it. At the end of the e-Book you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

It also contains several testimonials from people that have successfully used the MIR-Method detailing how it has helped them, their children and their animals.

Finally, the e-Book presents 9 abstract oil paintings. Each painting represents one of the 9 steps of the MIR-Method. The paintings were created intuitively by Mireille Mettes.

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The MIR-Method e-Book is available in English, German, Spanish and Dutch.