MIR-Method Instruction Video

The steps of the MIR-Method have been thoroughly tested by Mireille Mettes. We strongly advise you to stick to these exact words and that you do not change them! This will change the effect of the MIR-Method.

Look here for all videos made by Mireille Mettes, including:
– How the MIR-Method was developed
– Seed of Self Love with the MIR-Method
– Overcoming your addiction with the MIR-Method


The 9 steps of the MIR-Method (Find your own language here.)
Step 1. Optimise acidity.
Step 2. Detox all toxicity.
Step 3. Detach father. Detach mother.
Step 4. Clear meridians.
Step 5. Supplement all shortages.
Step 6. Balance hormone system.
Step 7. Fulfill basic needs.
Step 8. Optimise Chakras and Aura.
Step 9. Clarify Mission.